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أول أكاديمية من نوعها مخصصة للصيادلة 

تم تصميم المناهج التدريبية لتوفير المهارات في نهج عملي محدد. نجاح طلابنا هو أفضل ما لدينا في إظهار جودة تدريبنا

Our vision is to create a better everyday life for many pharmacists and bring inspiration and innovation to pharmacy Business
Mission: To provide Flexible , high quality Training programs and skills in an atmosphere of professionalism, respect, and effective communication
A thriving community

2,345 students and counting

The school has everything that I need for successful study: video presentations ,  assignments, planner, notebooks, , a staff who are very skilled and experienced, and ready to help at any time.
Ayman ahmed
I am most grateful that my instructor Dr.Ahmed  not only makes learning fun and shares his knowledge, but his passion for studying as well. I could not have found a better place for me to learn.
lamiya adel
I received my certificate, and I would like to thank you for your continuous support. The courses were challenging, but  the materials were so easy , direct to my expertise also my instructor was amazing  always there giving direct cases to help us to understand .
Mohamed asaad
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